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Information about Australian Almonds
Almond milk and dairy alternatives
Almond milk still makes up around two-thirds of all plant milks sold, and remains one of the top choices for fans of homemade nut milk. The popularity of dairy alternatives continues to grow.
Choosing the best alternative to dairy milk is a personal decision that will depend on a number of factors. Some choose non-dairy milk as part of a vegan diet. Others choose plant milk because of environmental concerns yet do not follow an entirely plant-based diet. In fact, 90% of plant milk buyers still buy other dairy products. Some people are lactose intolerant whilst others simply prefer the taste of dairy alternatives.
There may be several situations in which you may wish to switch out dairy for a non-dairy alternative yet it often begins with deciding which alt-milk to order in your morning flat white.
The rise of alt-milks
Alternatives to dairy milk were once only found in dusty health food shops frequented by hard core wholefood fanatics. Now, everybody is dissing dairy and opting for plant-based milks instead. Despite the growing popularity of veganism, the demand for alt-milks is created in coffee shops where even the most ardent of meat eaters seems to prefer their latte to be oat based.
Alt-milks were eventually promoted from the health store to the supermarket, but it was not until they were re-formulated to take space in the chiller aisle that interest really began to take hold.
Different types of non-dairy milk
There are now many types of non-dairy milk available, in both shelf-stable and refrigerated versions. The standard was once soy milk, yet concerns over genetically modified crops were partially to blame for its fall from grace. Some remain devoted to soy milk, yet almond milk became the standard alt-milk for some time. Until oat milk came along.
Many people choose a wide variety of alt-milks, choosing them by their suitability for the job in hand rather than showing loyalty for one particular type.
What is the most sustainable non-dairy milk?
All non-dairy milks have a much smaller carbon footprint than their dairy counterparts. The major concern with oat milk is the amount of land required to grow vast crops of oats. Almond milk raises concern over the amount of water used in the intensive farming of almonds. Yet it still has a marginally lower carbon footprint than oat milk. Luckily, all of our Australian almonds are pesticide-free and grown with minimal intervention. That includes more sustainable uses of water.
Almond milk vs dairy milk
Unsweetened almond milk is lower in calories than all cows milk, including skimmed milk. Low in carbohydrate, it is the keto milk of choice. It is higher in fat than skim and semi cows milk, but lower than in whole milk. Bear in mind that the fat in almonds is healthier than the saturated fat found in dairy.
Most commercial non-dairy milks are supplemented with calcium and vitamin D.
Oat milk vs almond milk
Oat and almond have become the two major players in the alt-milk game. Oat milk is sweet and creamy, although the commercial varieties may still contain thickeners and additives.
Commercial almond milk can be thin and watery with very little actual almond content. It does have significant vitamin E content, whilst oat milk does not. It is also gluten-free. You can read more about the full story on the gluten content of oats here.
Oat milk, however, is lower in fat, with more protein and fibre than almond.
Homemade almond milk vs store bought
Essentially all alt-milks are a product, including commercial almond milk, that bear little or no relation to homemade nut milk.
Homemade almond milk is thick and creamy, and the only additives it contains are the ones you choose to put there. Almond milk is made from nuts and water, and the further away it gets from homemade the more things are likely to be added to that equation. Commercial almond milk is likely to have more sugars, additives and thickeners in it than it does almonds.
Almond milk that you make yourself will be creamy, and taste of nuts. Buying your almonds in bulk to make your own almond milk offsets the cost. As your homemade almond milk contains more nuts, it also has a much higher nutritional value. Especially if you use the almond pulp to make almond flour for your gluten-free bakes.
Btw, what is the best non-dairy milk for coffee?
Many alt-milks don’t perform well in hot drinks as they have a tendency to split at high temperatures. Plant proteins just don not foam like cows milk can. This is why most cafes choose commercial brands created for barista use. When it comes to making truly lovely barista style coffee, oat milk wins hands down. Sorry, almond.
Explore our pesticide-free Australian almonds and don’t forget that you can buy almonds in bulk at wholesale prices.
This article was reproduced on this site only with permission from our parent co. operafoods.com.au the “Gourmet Online Wholesale Grocer”. See the original article here:- Almond Milk and other Dairy Alternatives
How to blanch almonds
Many almond recipes, especially in baking and patisserie, call for blanched almonds but they can be expensive to buy and are not always of the freshest quality. They also seem to come in really small packets.
So, what are blanched almonds, why are they better than whole raw almonds, and how to blanch almonds yourself at home?
What are blanched almonds?
Technically speaking, blanching is the culinary term for very briefly adding an ingredient to boiling water and then cooling it in cold water (refreshing).
Blanched almonds are almonds that have had their skins removed.
Although it is easy to remove the skin from other varieties of nuts by roasting them in the oven and rubbing them in a cloth or teatowel, almonds are fairly thick skinned so the process of blanching is the tried and tested method of removing their skins.
How to blanch almonds
Blanching almonds is a little fiddly, yet not difficult, and well worth the effort in terms of saving money and ensuring quality.
Bring a pan of water to the boil (size dependant on how many almonds you are blanching) and drop your almonds in. Leave for 1 minute and then drain in a sieve or colander. Return the almonds to the pan and run with cold water. Drain again. You may feel the water is useful for getting the skins off your fingers, which it is. Use a separate bowl for this though or you will find yourself mining for almonds in a pan of skins. Which is really frustrating.
Now that you have wet and wrinkly almonds with loose skins they are much easier to peel.
Pick up an almond between your thumb and forefingers. Gently squeeze so that the almonds pops out of the skin. Put the newly naked almonds on a tray lined with a clean dry cloth, and discard the skins. At this point you can leave them to dry for an hour or so, or place them in a very low oven for an hour to dry out further.
Blanched almonds that have been dried in the oven will grind to a finer flour and have more of a toasted nutty crunch than those that haven’t. Consider what you want to do with your almonds though, as sometimes you want a more creamy delicate flavour and a bit more moisture going on. Think frangipane and macarons.
You can store your blanched almonds for up to a month in an airtight container, in a cool dry place. Ideally though, you should blanch them as required.
What to do with blanched almonds
As previously mentioned, blanched almonds are non-negotiable for classic patisserie and more refined styles of baking. For when you want to whip up a moreish frangipane, or muster up a mass of candy coloured macarons. For these you want to grind raw blanched almonds into ground almonds.
The number one choice for gluten-free baking, almonds are exceptionally versatile and can be used in place of wheat flour very successfully in some recipes. You may want to experiment with making your own almond flour, and playing with different drying times and grinds.
You can blanch almonds before roasting if you wish. Or toss them in a dry frying pan until golden and toasty before decorating cakes and biscuits, or tossing in a salad.
Some people prefer to eat almonds without skins. There is no reason not to blanch almonds before snacking, or even making almond butter. The only time you really would not want to use blanched almonds is when making almond milk. It would simply be a waste of time.
Are blanched almonds healthy?
Almonds are officially a superfood. They provide essential minerals, mono-unsaturated fatty acids, and are one the best sources of antioxidant Vitamin E. The ideal beauty booster, they are of particular benefit to skin, hair and nails.
Almonds with the skin left on are higher in fibre and have more of the nutrient content intact. That said, blanched almonds are still super good for you.
Blanched vs unblanched almonds
Blanched almonds are not necessarily better than unblanched, whole raw almonds. They are just different and are best suited for certain purposes.
Sometimes you want raw and rustic, with more of a wholesome natural feel. Think crumbly speckled almond cookies made from the almond meal that you ground from the leftover pulp after making almond milk.
Other times you may want a substitute for wheat flour. Not only can specks of dark almond skin look less refined but can have a bitter taste and a drying sensation in the mouth. This is because almond skin is a source of tannins. The same compounds that cause the lip puckering sensation in black tea and red wine.
We recommend that you buy unblanched almonds, and then blanch them yourself when need be. Our Australian almonds are pesticide-free. One of Australia’s most important crops, sustainable almonds are vital for our economy and our wildlife.
If you are looking for cost effective ways to use blanched almonds then you could buy almonds in bulk. Or why not do all your bulk shopping at our online store?
Is almond meal the same as almond flour?
Almond meal, almond flour and ground almonds are all made from crushed sweet almonds.
Once specifically used in traditional baking such as macarons, marzipan and frangipane, they are gaining popularity in gluten-free and low-carb diets. But what is the difference – is almond meal the same as almond flour?
Almond meal vs almond flour
The difference between them is pretty straightforward. Whilst almond meal is made from whole almonds, almond flour is made from peeled blanched almonds.
Commercially bought ground almonds may be labelled as almond meal, almond flour, or just ground almonds. The difference is not official so it may or may not contain skins, and could be anywhere from coarse to finely ground.
What is almond meal?
Strictly speaking, almond meal is made from raw, whole almonds. This gives a slightly coarser texture, with a creamy flavour, and brown fibrous flecks from the skin. It is less refined than the flour, which is slightly cooked as well as skin-free. The blanching process removes a little of the natural water so the resulting flour can be more finely ground and has a milder, yet slightly nuttier flavour.
Is almond meal the same as ground almonds?
Theoretically, ground almonds should be without skins yet not as finely ground as flour. If a recipe states almond meal then you really want the completely raw version with its fibre intact. But if ground almonds are the only thing available then by all means use them. For classic recipes such as macarons, look for traditional ground almonds in the baking aisle.
Nutritionally, the only difference between the two is that meal has a higher fibre content, and also more antioxidants and minerals from the skin.
Is almond meal gluten-free?
Almond meal is gluten-free and a popular choice in gluten- and grain-free baking. All gluten free flours behave differently so the ratios used will rarely be a one-on-one switch for wheat flour. Depending on your dietary preferences and the results you are looking for, a blend of several alternative flours is probably the way to go.
Is almond meal low-carb?
Almond meal, and almonds in general, are the low-carb and keto dieters friend. Hugely versatile, they make a whole range of foods more accessible.
Can I use almond meal instead of almond flour?
You can use them interchangeably but there will be differences in the final bake. Almond flour is lighter in colour and more finely textured so gives a more polished result. A batch of cookies made with almond meal will be deliciously wholesome and rustic, whereas almond flour would give a cake the light fluffy texture it requires.
How to make almond meal
To make almond meal, blitz whole raw almonds in a blender until fine. Use the highest setting and pulse in 10 second bursts, shaking the blender each time. If you go too far it will become almond butter, so as soon as it shows signs of clumping; stop! 2 cups of almonds will yield 1 cup almond meal or flour.
If you want a finer almond meal, with the fibre intact, try drying your almonds in a low oven before crushing.
How to store almond meal
Almonds oxidise quickly due to the high levels of omega-6 and Vitamin E. Keep your almond meal in an airtight container, preferably one that blocks out the light. Keep in a cool dark place for up to a month.
How to make almond meal from almond pulp
You can also make almond meal from the pulp that remains after making almond milk. Almond meal made from pulp will be drier and lighter, with a finer texture.
Squeeze as much as the liquid from the almond pulp as you can. It will keep in the fridge for a week, and if you don’t want to use it to make almond meal then you can simply add it to smoothies or yoghurt. To dry it out to make almond meal, spread in a layer on a baking tray lined with parchment. Bake for a few hours at 90C, stirring often. You want it to dry yet not become brown. Cool completely before blitzing to a fine dry powder.
Our pesticide free Australian almonds are available to buy in bulk, or why not check out our range of bulk buy groceries?
How to make almond milk at home
In order to add body and frothing capabilities to commercial almond milk, manufacturers often add various fillers and additives.
Learning how to make almond milk at home gives you total control over the ingredients used. The result will be naturally thick and creamy almond milk.
How is almond milk made in a factory?
Most commercial almond milk is made from Californian almonds. There, the demand is high and the supply unsustainable. A process causing damage to an already fragile ecosystem. Almond milk has been around for centuries but the process came under mass commercialisation just over a decade ago, putting wildlife under threat and endangering the honeybee.
Most industrially produced almond milk contains around 2% almonds. This results in a thin flavourless liquid, which is why so many cartons of almond milk come with a long list of ingredients. Added to provide body and flavour, these extra ingredients may be naturally derived yet are still additives nonetheless.
How to make almond milk at home
To make almond milk you will need fresh, whole, almonds and water. Go for filtered water if that is what you would normally drink at home. You will also need a blender, a sieve, and a clean tea towel or cloth. And a bowl large enough to sit the sieve in.
You may wish to add flavour to your almond milk with a little cinnamon or vanilla. A word to the wise – do try homemade almond milk once before deciding it needs flavouring. Almonds are naturally creamy so the stuff you make is way different to the store bought variety.
The best way to avoid sustainability issues around your almond consumption is to buy local. We wrote all about sustainable Australian almonds and how they are produced, right here.
To make roughly 1 litre of creamy almond milk you will need 1 cup almonds and 4 cups water. You can adjust the ratio of almonds to water depending on how thick you want the result to be. Remember that we said there is about 2% almonds in commercial almond milk? Using 4 cups of water brings that percentage up to 25%, so you can imagine the difference.
Blitz the almonds with the water for about 3 minutes or until the almonds are completely blended. Place the sieve over the bowl, and line with the cloth. Pour in the blitzed liquid and leave to strain until the residue is almost dry. You can give it a helping hand by squeezing the cloth as if you are wringing out a dishtowel. Which, strictly speaking, you are. Pour the resulting almond milk into a container and keep in the fridge for up to 4 days.
Don’t waste the strained nutritious fibre remaining. Sprinkle it on your granola or add it to a Chinese recipe. You can even use almond pulp to make almond meal.
Why not save money and buy almonds in bulk or check out the rest of our wholefoods bulk groceries at our wholesale store
All about Australian almonds
Australian almonds are awesome in so many ways that it can be difficult to know where to start.
So, in our ultimate guide to all things almond we begin with the basics. We look at where, and how, they grow. We also look at the many ways that almonds can benefit your health.
Finally, we have some ideas on what you can do with your Australian almonds once you get them home.
Where do almonds come from?
Also known as sweet almonds, almonds are the edible seed of a stone fruit related to peach and apricot. Originally from Asia, almonds grow in many parts of the Mediterranean, California, and right here in Australia. In fact, did you know that they are one of Australia’s most important crops? They boost our economy, our communities and our way of life.
There are over 15 million almond trees across Australia, mostly concentrated in the Riverina region, Sunraysia, and the Riverland plains of Northern Adelaide. A beautiful sight.
How do almonds grow?
Almond trees are blessed with that rare ethereal beauty of all blossoming trees. Grown in orchards, the buds first appear in winter and blossoms burst into life around July. In full bloom by late winter, the almond blossom is ready for pollination by bees. A perfect example of nature working in tandem, beekeepers place their hives in the orchards ready for pollination season. The trees benefit, and the byproduct of this is fresh floral scented honey. A win win.
The tiny green nutlets appear in spring and develop through the summer. Once developed, but before they split open, these are known as green almonds. Eaten as whole fruits, the green outside flesh can be somewhat bitter, but the young undeveloped almond kernel inside is pale, soft and creamy. By midsummer, the fruits open and expose the seed inside. This is the husk of the almond, within which lies the kernel.
Once split open, the nut itself begins to dry. The fruits are ready for harvest once the stem weakens and the fruit comes easily from the tree. Harvested between February and April, the almond fruits (known as drupes) are shaken from the trees. Left to dry on the orchard floor for about two weeks, they are then picked up and sent to the huller. The almonds are first hulled. Some are shelled whilst others are sold with the shell on. Some are processed further into blanched, slivered or chopped almonds. Or ground into almond meal or flour.
Should almonds be organic?
Because organic certification is an expensive and lengthy process that is not always of benefit to the farmers or the consumer, the questions here should be about sustainability and the use of pesticides. Big brand organic is not always what we expect it to be, as it often has only the bare minimum of legislative requirements met.
However, minimal intervention is something that we can all get behind. It is open to, and achievable by, the smallest of farms, and encompasses the true visions of what organic is all about. With a focus on food quality, environmental impact, and good husbandry, minimal intervention farming is free from harmful pesticides and damaging practices. An holistic approach to farming, it considers every impact at each step of the supply chain.
Are almonds good for you?
Australian almonds are a bonafide superfood and come with a host of nutritional benefits. Nuts have some of the highest antioxidant levels among plant foods and are also rich in fibre, healthy fats, plus other vitamins and minerals. There are roughly 20 almonds in a serving, which is equivalent to one quarter of a cup or 1 ounce. That’s a very small handful.
The health benefits of Australian almonds
Almonds are a good source of essential minerals zinc, magnesium and potassium. They are also rich in antioxidant Vitamin E that provides support for the tissues of the heart, brain and lungs. Monounsaturated fatty acids found in almonds can help to balance cholesterol levels.
A portion of almonds is made up of 13% carbohydrate, 13% protein and 74% healthy fats as well as a whole host of beauty boosting nutrients. Magnesium and potassium help to beat the bloat, whilst Vitamin E, biotin, and sebum regulating Vitamin B2 all help promote healthy hair, skin and nails.
Are roasted almonds as good as raw?
Whilst raw almonds have a certain creamy quality, a roasted almonds have a depth of flavour and a definite crunch. The water content of raw nuts is lost slightly through the roasting process so they become slightly more concentrated. The nutrient content remains the same, yet volatile antioxidants such as Vitamin E can be lost with the heat of roasting. If you prefer to eat roasted almonds, roasting them yourself means you can cook at lower temperatures and control the amount of oil and salt added.
Blanched almonds have the skin removed and are used in recipes where the brown skin would change the look or the taste of the dish. Most desserts and baking use blanched almonds instead of whole. The skin of almonds does have health benefits however, as it contains nutrients and increases fibre content.
What are activated almonds?
Activated almonds are soaked in salted water for anywhere between 7 and 24 hours. They are then dried slowly in a cool oven. The soaking process encourages germination and therefore increases the nutrient value, as well as breaking down phytic acid which can inhibit mineral absorption.
Is almond meal the same as almond flour?
Almond meal is made from raw, unpeeled almonds whilst almond flour is made from blanched almonds. Almond flour is finer and lighter in colour than almond meal so is more suited to lighter cakes and pastry.
Ground almonds are the same thing as almond flour. At some point during the rise of gluten free baking the name simply changed.
What can you do with almonds?
You can make your own almond butter.
You can make your own almond milk.
You can make your own almond meal.
You can blanch almonds.
You can make delicious roasted almonds.
You can toast them.
You can caramelise them.
You can bake with frangipane.
You can make almond brittle.
Or you can of course just eat them.
Check out our pesticide free Australian raw almonds, or buy in bulk online at our wholesale grocery store
Raw Almonds for Weight Loss and Overall Calorie Control
Almonds are a very convenient super food and excellent for weight loss and calorie control. Almonds are packed with lots of anti-oxidants, protein, fiber, vitamin E, manganese, magnesium and more. Pesticide free almonds can be eaten raw or roasted and make wonderful healthy food ingredients whole or ground . Almonds are used to make almond milk, butter, flour, oil, paste and many more healthy products. How about carob coated? or even dipped in organic high cacoa content chocolate.
As almonds are rich in anti oxidants, it helps to reduce oxidative stress, inflammation, aging and severe diseases such as cancer. Raw almonds are loaded with vitamin E, manganese and magnesium which aid to develop cell membranes of individual’s body and protect cells against oxidative damage. It will also lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.
Almonde is controlled and owned by an Australian family food wholesale business. We gather insecticides free and high grade almonds from growers in the SA of Australia.
Visit our parent company online store at operafoods.com.au to know more details about the product and buy your favorite products now in bulk for overnight delivery.
Premium Natural Almonds for Antioxidants and Minerals
Premium raw natural almonds by Almonde contain antioxidants and vitamin E that is helpful for protecting cells from some damaged conditions which occur with the aid of free radicals in your body. Almonde brand distributes pesticides free and high standard raw pesticide free almonds in Australia. Almonds are rich in argine which aids to develop blood vessels. Almonds are also packed with zinc and iron that helps in the transportation of oxygen to the body of individuals.
Almonds are considered as one of the greatest sources of protein. Almonds nutrition can be helpful in losing weight, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Almonds make you energetic and it will apease hunger throughout the day. Almonds have monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats which are good for heart health. They will also develop nerve, muscle function and will make bones strong.
Visit our parent co. Opera Foods web site for more information and buy premium natural almonds now and get online discounts on raw natural Australian almonds.
Almonds are a Healthy Nutritious Superfood
Almonde distributes bulk lots of high quality, raw Australian pesticide free almonds and most importantly, our growers practice natural farming systems for producing healthy almonds in Australia. Almonde is owned and conducted by an Australian family business.
Almonds are rich in fats, protein, fiber, magnesium as well as vitamin E that help to prevent against severe illness.
Almonds can be eaten raw, toasted or can be eaten soaked in milk and many other ways. According to the modern sciences of Australia, almond nuts help to reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels as they contain large amounts of protein and fiber.
Almonds are regarded as seeds rather than considered as true nuts. Almonds contain powerful toxins that may help to reduce the risk of causing cancer and other severe diseases. It may also aid to lower heart diseases and Alzheimer as almonds possess vitamin E and magnesium.
Buy bulk pesticide free raw natural almonds from Almonde or online direct through our parent company website at Opera Foods.
Almonds are Considered as a Nutritious as well as a Healthy Superfood
Almonde brand is an Australian family business based In Warners Bay NSW. The brand distributes pesticides free, high-quality almond nuts.
Our Australian growers follow pesticides free cultivation systems for the growing of tastier and sweeter almonds. Raw almonds are regarded as a healthy superfood that aids to resist against illness of an individual.
Almonds are rich in fats, fiber, protein, magnesium, vitamin E that helps to decrease blood pressure as well as cholesterol levels of a human being.
Almonds can be eaten raw, roasted or it can be eaten by absorbing it in water and in many forms. Almonds help to reduce the levels of lipoprotein in humans. It also aids to remain heart-healthy.
Apart from this, bulk almonds assist to resist cancer, lose weight; reduce blood pressure, blood sugar levels and much more. If almonds are eaten regularly will help to lower hunger and calorie of an individual.
Almonds are a Healthy and Nutritious Snack
Almonds are considered one of the better convenient superfoods in Australia. Raw Pesticide free Almonds are the products of the Almonde brand. Almonde brand is owned by a family business in Australia. We source raw almonds from the Australian growers that use pesticides free farming practices and grow high-grade almond nuts in Australia.
Almonds are rich in minerals, protein, fiber, and vitamins that aid to prevent diseases of an individual. Almonds can be regarded as seeds; moreover, it can be considered as a drupe rather than considering as true nuts. According to the researchers of Australia, raw bulk almonds are considered as the best regulators of cholesterol level. Raw Almonds are packed with flavonoid activity which is similar to broccoli as well as green tea, therefore, almonds are said to nourish and glow the skin of an individual in the finest way.