Raw Almonds, Roasted Almonds or Soaked Almonds?

Almonds are edible nuts which contain a massive amount of nutrients. They can be eaten in various ways according to the preferences of individuals. Raw almonds can be eaten in the winter when your body needs natural warmth to protect you from the chill outside.
Roasted almonds are commonly used in chocolates and confectioneries. Some might have a misconception that roasted almonds might lose their nutrients when baked but it is just a myth. Raw almonds and Roasted almonds contain the same amount of nutrients when taken into consideration. Soaked almonds are best in this category as it allows the nuts to release the nutrients and vitamins overnight it also helps in boosting the digestion system of our body.
Almonde is the best almonds brand in Australia where you can buy bulk almonds pesticide free at a very affordable price. All our almonds are natural, and pesticide-free which makes us a favorite among others.
Our products are available in a different range of 500gm, 1Kg, and 10Kg according to your needs. Buy fresh Almonds from our online store.
Almonde is a division of Australian wholesale food suppliers Opera Foods Pty Ltd.
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